Bodega chacra sassicaia

2011 February 8. by Joseph & Curtis. The Rio Negro valley is essentially a 15-mile-wide glacial bed at about 750 m elevation in the middle of a desert (see below). This wine has reached an amazing level of sophistication and nuance. Hoy En 5′ entrevistamos a Piero Incisa della Rocchetta, propietario de Bodega Chacra. A 2012 Treinta y Dos, made from pinot noir vines planted in 1932 by Italian immigrants, is a savory delight, graceful and lithe with flavors of red fruits and flowers tempered by minerals.

Bodega Chacra has a fascinating, if slightly bizarre, history.

The property's location in the arid central Argentine desert is tempered by the confluence of the Neuquen and Limay Rivers, both of which flow from the Andes and converge in the Rio Negro, which in turn flows into the Atlantic. Der Fokus liegt hier auf Präzision und Finesse. 2018 Bodega Chacra "Cincuenta y Cinco" Pinot Noir Rio Negro Patagonia SKU #1426835 98 points Robert Parker's Wine Advocate The 2018 Cincuenta y Cinco follows the breathtaking 2017 with an extra degree of elegance and filigree. Bodega Chacra.

Offers > February 9, 2015 Stunning Le Macchiole 2010 Paleo, Bodega Chacra Sale, and Your New Go-To White! Vintage Aldo Conterno Mags! ¿creció en torno al vino? Patagonia Wine: Pinot Quest Patagonia Wine: Pinot Quest Piero Incisa della Rocchetta is a scion of the aristocratic winemaking family behind Tuscany's groundbreaking Sassicaia.

Dabei haben die Weine einen völlig eigenständigen Charakter, der erst gar keine Assoziationen und Vergleiche mit dem Burgund aufkommen lassen muss. Sí, mi abuelo fue el creador del Sassicaia el vino ha sido parte de mi vida desde que puedo recordar, cuando era niño siempre nos hacia degustar todo tipo de vinos y nos pedía nuestra opinión, mi pasión por el Pinot viene de él. Chacra ist ein reines Pinot-Noir-Weingut. Bodega Chacra is located in the Rio Negro Valley of northern Patagonia. "Bodega Chacra, founded in 2004 by Piero Incisa della Rocchetta, whose grandfather started the ‘Super Tuscan’ Sassicaia, is generating excitement about Pinot Noir from South America.If it seems like you have seen that line before, it’s because you have, this is the third wine we have to offer from Bodega Chacra! Piero Incisa Bodega Chacra Q&A. Sassicaia’s Little Brother and South American Cousin! Piero Incisa della Rocchetta, owner of Bodega Chacra, is a scion of the aristocratic winemaking family behind Tuscany's groundbreaking Sassicaia.In Patagonia, however, Piero's ambitions are focused on making world-class Pinot Noir. The grandson of Sassicaia's creator was born in Tuscany and today makes Pinot Noir in Patagonia while also representing the family's wines.

Offers > February 4, 2015 Antinori’s New Barolo Colonello Riserva, Under $70 Amarone, and Great Rijckaert Mâcon Offers > November 10, 2014

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