Excel vba Series name

VBA Loop to fill Chart. I have a chart in excel that displays data loaded into a table in the sheet with macros. I use the VBA Function InStr, which stands for In String, to check and see if the Name Property of each Name has “Lookup” contained in it, by starting at character 1. If you click Switch Row/Column, you'll have 6 data series (Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May and Jun) and three horizontal axis labels (Bears, Dolphins and Whales). For complete control over a new Chart and Series object (especially for a dynamic Series name), you must resort to modifying the SERIES formula directly. AUTOCOMPLETE with Combobox: Excel VBA Basics #11-15, 17-22: Looping through a database and analyzing cells based on criteria: Create Sheets For Each User From Column A: Capture Worksheet info To Userform and Save Back to Worksheet Excel VBA Is Fun! The name of the data series. I have a named range (though I use a lookup-function in the name manager) that is visible in the name manager and can be used in formulas in the Excel sheet. When you are done, change back to line or XY. Excel Made Easy was founded in 2002. It takes advantage of the Columns Collection of the Range Object and the Cells property of the Column Object. We can change the name of any excel worksheet by one line VBA code which we have seen in example-4. In this case the series label may change depending on user input, so I need to link to the cell instead of assign a fixed string value. Dim srs As Series Set srs = cht.SeriesCollection("Series Name") Loop through each chart series. Dim n As Name For Each n In ThisWorkbook.Names n.Visible = False If InStr(1, n.Name, "Lookup", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then n.Visible = True End If Next n End Sub. Thank you for this post. You will need to format each point to have the same marker formatting if you want them to appear as a single series. As a general rule, series later in the plot order are plotted on top of series early in the plot order. An alternative workaround is to change the series type to a column or area chart, then VBA can access all of the series properties. Posted on May 6, 2019 May 19, 2020 by Excel Off The Grid. Where the source data range is arranged so that data series is in a column (the series name is in the first row and the values appear in below rows within the column), use xlColumns, and if data series is in a row, use xlRows.

AUTOCOMPLETE with Combobox: Excel VBA Basics #11-15, 17-22: Looping through a … Register as Forum Member; MOS Tests; Cart; You are here: Home / Excel Charts / Dynamically Label Excel Chart Series Lines. 2. Hi - I have created a chart, placed it in cell N8, and named it Chart0001. Excel Made Easy is a service to people looking to learn Microsoft Excel or any other spreadsheet SW on the market. Thread starter ExcelKid_10; Start date Apr 13, 2010; Tags chart run-time 1004 vba; E. ExcelKid_10 Board Regular. Select the chart. Joined Mar 17, 2004 Messages 87. The process to set up the Range objects is straightforward and the main hurdle is simply the string building for the SERIES formula.. Rename Chart to Chart0002 5. Paste Chart in cell N9 4. SERIES(name_ref, categories, values, plot_order) name_ref Optional. Excel VBA & Macros; Excel User Forms; VBA String Functions; Members. Excel Questions. When you are done, change back to line or XY. Something along the lines of. You can assign a name to a range of cells by simply selecting the cells and then entering a name for them in the name box.

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