Billy Joel lyrics

“The Stranger” is the title track from Billy Joel’s critical and commercial breakthrough album. Piano Man chords Billy Joel 1973 * / [Intro] / C G F C F C D7 G C G F C F G C G / [Verse 1] / C G F C It's nine o'clock on a Saturday F C D7 G The regular crowd shuffles in C G F C There's a Well I'm on the Downeaster Alexa And I'm cruisin' through Block Island Sound I have charted a course to the vineyard But tonight I am Nantucket bound Billy Joel Lyrics "You May Be Right" Friday night I crashed your party Saturday I said I'm sorry Sunday came and trashed me out again I was only having fun Wasn't hurting anyone And we all enjoyed the weekend for a change I've been stranded in the combat zone 2000 Years Lyrics: In the beginning / There was the cold and the night / Prophets and angels gave us the fire and the light / Man was triumphant / Armed with the faith and the will / That even the Billy Joel Elton John - Just The Way You Are. Don't go changing, to try and please me, You never let me down before, Mm mm mm mm mm Don't imagine, you're too familiar, And I don't see you anymore. Billy Joel told Howard Stern in an interview: I wanted to do that for my friends who did go to ‘Nam. Billy Joel's official YouTube channel features music videos, live performances, interviews, TV appearances and more. Lyrics to 'The Downeaster Alexa' by Billy Joel. Vertaling van: Billy Joel - She's Always A Woman Ze kan je doden met haar glimlach, ze kan je verwonden met haar blik, ze kan je vertrouwen kapot maken met haar nonchalante gelieg, en ze onthult alleen maar wat ze wil dat je ziet, Ze verstopt zich als een kind maar in … Lyrics to 'My Life' by Billy Joel. Got a call from an old friend We used to be real close Said he couldn't go on the American way Closed the shop, sold the house Bought a ticket to the West Coast From a town known as Wheeling, West Virginia Rode a boy with a six-gun in his hand And his daring life of crime Made him a legend in his Lyrics to 'We Didn't Start The Fire' by Billy Joel: Harry Truman, Doris Day, Red China, Johnnie Ray South Pacific, Walter Winchell, Joe DiMaggio Joe McCarthy, Richard Nixon, Studebaker, television North Korea, South Korea, Marilyn Monroe Billy Joel - Billy the Kid Lyrics. I would not leave you in times of trouble, We never could have come this far. BILLY JOEL lyrics: 21 albums / 141 song lyrics including "All My Life [Single]" (2007): "All My Life", "You're My Home" Mm mm mm mm I took the good times, I'll take the bad times, I'll take you just the way you are. "You May Be Right" lyrics.
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