black bear facts for kids

02/01/2021 Off By

General Description: The black bear is approximately 4 to 7 feet from nose to tail, and two to three feet high at the withers. [3] If a predator comes, mama black bears scoot their babies up a tree. Male black bears weigh between 150 and 250 pounds. Bears who find little food in their habitat will come into areas where humans live and will forage for food in trash cans or dumpsters. Most of their diet is plant based. The head-body length measures 120 to 200 cm and the shoulder height is about 70 to 105 cm. Males can be up to 70 percent heavier than females. Brown Bear Facts for Kids: Watch the following video and then ask your child to answer a few questions about brown bears. They are found in Alaska, much of Canada and the United States, and extend as far south as northern Mexico.. Black bears are extremely adaptable and show a great variation in habitat types, though they are primarily found in … They have molars that are great for grinding up foods and large canine teeth for ripping apart fish and other f… American black bears are able to run at 25 to 30 miles per hour. Pretty sure you weren’t expecting that all about black bears. The female gives birth to 1 to 6 cubs after a long gestation period of 235 days. Predators of American black bear’s cubs are wolves, bobcats, coyotes, brown bears, cougars, and golden eagles. The bear inhabits throughout the forests of North America. (2021). American black bears usually hibernate during winter. Bear cubs are really playful. Black bears are usually afraid of people. Answer: Baby black bears stay with their mothers for 2 to 3 years. Females are smaller. Cookie Cutter Shark Facts for Kids – Cookie Cutter Shark Interesting Facts, Greenland Shark Facts for Kids – Greenland Shark Interesting Facts & Information, Megalodon Shark Facts for Kids – Megalodon Shark Facts and Information, Tasmanian Devil Facts for Kids – Fun Facts & Information, Wedge Tailed Eagle Facts for Kids – Australian Wedge Tailed Eagle Facts, Harpy Eagle Facts for Kids – Harpy Eagle Fun Facts, Polar Bear Facts for Kids – Interesting Facts about Polar Bears, Grizzly Bear Facts for Kids – California Grizzly Bear Facts, Giant Panda Facts for Kids – Fun Facts and Information. A problem for black bears is that literature about bears often does not separate black bears from grizzly bears. There are small differences in appearance that make each sub-species special, such as a furrier face, thicker fur, sleeker fur, and their size. Sloth Bear. The black bear's greatest adaptation is its ability to eat many different things. If you ever see a bear in the wild, chances are, it’s a black bear. In rare occasions they were reported to inclu… They feed, dry and protect their babies. Answer: Black bears usually eat plants and berries. It is important to remember that black bears are large, wild animals. For lengthy info click here. People think Polar bears can become 25–30 years old in nature, but in captivity (for example, in zoos), they can become up to 45 years old. The American black bear (Ursus americanus) is one of the smallest bear species—probably the smallest of the North American bears. Cubs weigh only 280–450 g at birth. It is the smallest of the three bears species found in North America. Tobin, Declan. A grizzly may chow down on 90 pounds (40 kilograms) of food each day. The breeding season ranges from June to July. They can be brown, red, or even white. Just like humans, their dinner plates may include a variety of foods. Black bears are good moms. American black bears are able to run at 25 to 30 miles per hour. The black bear is a bulky and thickset mammal. American black bears have a lifespan of 18 – 23 years in the wild. But if things get too rough, mama bear will discipline them by swatting them with her paw! Despite its name, black bear can be white, light brown, dark brown, cinnamon, bluish-black or black colored. The Kodiak bear is said to be the largest sub-species of black bear. Black bears can run 35 miles per hour and can live for more than 25 years. [8] Unlike many mammals, bears can see in color. The newborn cubs are almost the size of a ground squirrel. Their paws are relatively large, with a back foot length of 13.7 to 22.5 cm, which is slightly larger than other medium-sized bear species, but relatively smaller than the paws of adult brown and polar bears. They will eat roots, tubers, grasses, corms, bulbs, buds, shoots, shrubs, insects, yellow jackets, bees, ants, honeycombs, salmon, trout, catfish, voles, and rodents. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Black bears den for various lengths of time governed by the diverse climates in which they live, from Canada to northern Mexico. Polar Bear. Black bears have 7.7–17.7 cm long tail. Answer: Black bears aren’t as aggressive as brown bears, but they are wild animals. Leave them alone and never feed them. Made in the UK.Subscribe to All Things Animal TV! They will also consume the bark from the trees when other food sources are scarce. Enjoyed the Easy Science for Kids Website all about Black Bears info? The black bear is large and stocky and has a short tail. Fun Facts about Black Bears for Kids Black bears sleep in caves during the winter. Black bear are the smallest of bear species in North America - grizzly and polar bears are larger. Facts about Black Bears Black bears can smell and hear very well. During the fall, a brown bear eats practically around the clock, stocking up for the four to seven months when it'll have to live off stored body fat. There are approximately 10,000-12,000 of them in the state. Grizzly Bear. Their short claws make it easy for them to open up termite mounds and enjoy a feast there. 12In winter, bears go into a state of torpor to fend off hunger. They love ants, grubs and worms. All about Black Bears: Black bears like to swim. Black bear has brown muzzle and white markings on the chest. Let's take a look at some interesting facts about Black Bears: The scientific name for a black bear is Ursus Americanus. [4] The world’s most widely distributed bear is the brown bear. Black bears are good moms. ), males being larger than females, and the different sub-species are similar in their body shape, footprints and diets. Giant pandas (often referred to as simply “pandas”) are black and white bears. Males are much larger than females. The feeding habits of the Asian Black Bear are very diverse and are considered omnivorous. They are considered to be large to medium sized (males weighing between 56.7-226 kg or 130-500 lbs. Young Polar bears stay with their mothers for 1–2 years, and they become mature when they are 5–6 years old. For over 30 million years, bears in one form or another have roamed the Earth. Lean bears are fast. Polar bears are black with clear fur, so in daylight, they appear white; at night, they are invisible. Start your unit by learning about some of the most common bears around: The brown bear, the grizzly bear, and the black bear. American black bears begin to forage at night though they also become active during the daylight hours. They eat mostly plants, roots, small mammals, insects and lizards. In the wild, they are … By the time hibernation has ended the cubs are bigger and full of energy. BEAR FACTS FOR KiDS . Spectacled Bear. This educational Black Bear books for kids presents facts along with full color photographs and carefully chosen words to teach children about the Black Bear. There are over twice the number of American black bears than there are all other bear species combined. * BLACK BEAR * | Animals For KidsQuality, educational videos for kids. Black bears are omnivores. The population of Canadian black bears is about 396,000 – 476,000 while the United States is home to 339,000 and 465,000 American black bears. Polar bears live alone. Grizzly bears tend to live in more open areas, while black bears prefer … 02 Jan 2021. Easy Science for Kids, Jan 2021. They are widely distributed in the United States including northern Midwest, Georgia, Alaska, Rocky Mountain Region, southern Indiana, Texas, Wyoming, South Dakota, and Idaho. They can run up to 30 miles per … ABOUT US. Their scientific name, Ursus americanus floridanus, is derived from the Latin words meaning Florida American bear.They are a subspecies of the American black bear.In 1970, the Florida black bear population only numbered in the 100s. As is typical of bears, the American black bear has pretty keen sense of smell—nearly 7 times that of a dog. American Black Bear. Black bears or scientifically called Ursus americanus are native to North America and are most familiar and common bears.They are typically known to live in forests but, can also be found in mountains and swamps. These small, timid bears live in forests and woodland areas in many parts of the United States. April 15, 2015, Kavya Bisaria, Leave a comment. They also look for honey and carrion in the trees. Packed with facts about the Black Bear, your children or grandchildren will enjoy learning from start to finish while they read this book. 6An adult male black bear is called a boar. They feed, dry and protect their babies. Facts About Black Bears. American black bears hibernate for as long as 3 – 8 months. People can see bears in forests when they are hiking and camping, and some people even see bears in their yards. However, the American black bear is the world's most common bear species. Subspecies of this bear include the cinnamon bear, the glacier bear, the Mexican black bear, the Kermode bear, the … Black Bear Facts for Kids ." eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'easyscienceforkids_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_12',801,'0','0']));———————————–. They come in a rainbow of colors from black to reddish brown (cinnamon bears) to light brown to white. American black bears hibernate for as long as 3 – 8 months. Interesting Asiatic black bear Facts: Asiatic black bear can reach 47 to 75 inches in length and 88 to 440 pounds of weight. Back slowly away. Sometimes you will see these bears on the ground looking for other animals to eat. Interesting Black bear Facts: Black bear can reach 4 to 7 feet in length and 150 to 300 (or rarely up to 500) pounds of weight. Other interesting American Black Bear facts. A Red (Black) Bear . < >. They can also climb trees and are strong swimmers. Its muzzle is light-brown, and fur around neck exceptionally long, mane-like. Black bears aren’t always black. That’s why you should never, ever feed a bear. Black is a species, not a color, and in Colorado many black bears are blonde, cinnamon or brown.Colorado once had grizzlies, but officially has only one type of bear: the American Black Bear (Ursus americanas). Adult males weigh 126–551 pounds while females average 90–375 pounds in weight. Giant Panda . This website uses cookies to improve your experience. American black bears make habitats in woodlands, dense vegetation, forests, dry meadows, riparian areas, Appalachian Mountains, spruce-fir forests, and terrains. Take the FREE & fun Black Bears quiz and download FREE Black Bears worksheet for kids. Name three ecosystems in which brown bears live. Black bears are now recognized as an important natural resource in New Jersey and as part of the state's heritage. Check out this interesting video all about black bears: A video documentary of a mother black bear teaching her cub some life lessons. Question: Do black bear eat large mammals? The American black bear is the smallest species of bear … In fact, during hibernation, an American black bear's heart can stop for twenty seconds. This is because t… Their favorite meals are fruits and nuts, grasses, twigs, and honey. Black bears aren’t always black. Retrieved from, Copyright © 2021 All Rights Reserved |. Find out what they look like, what they eat, and other interesting facts. If they lose their fear of people, they sometimes attack. The body temperature of black bears also decreases to 31 °C (88 °F) during hibernation. The oldest wild bear lived up to 39 years while the oldest captive bear ever recorded at 44 years. If one approaches you, stand tall, wave your arms and make noise. American black bears (Ursus americanus) live in North America and Mexico; their diet consists primarily of leaves, buds, shoots, berries, and nuts. They are not only remarkable swimmers; black bears are also expert climbers. Black bears usually eat plants and berries. The head is small but is supported by a strong neck. Grizzly bear vs black bear. They can smell food from far away and will get into trash cans or camp sites. Adults range from 1.5 to 1.8 metres (5 to 6 feet) in length and weigh 90–270 kg (200–600 pounds). As winter approaches, brown bears—often called grizzly bears—prepare for a long hibernation. They often climb up the trees either to escape predators or to get some sleep. It has small eyes, rounded ears, a … Related. The American black bear is the world’s most common species of bear. During this time, the black bear's metabolism and heart rate both decrease in relation to one another. Question: How long do cubs stay with their mom? Easy Science for Kids. Bear facts show us that there are only 8… Scientific Name: Ursus americanus Description: The black bear Ursus americanus is one of the most familiar wild animals in North America today. An American black bear’s soles are black or brownish, and appear to be naked, leathery, and fully-wrinkled. Asiatic black bear has shaggy, black coat with whitish-creamy, crescent-shaped mark on the chest (hence the nickname "moon bear"). Mamas have babies in the caves. Black bears stand 2 to 3 feet at shoulders and 4 to 7 feet long from nose to tail. They have been sighted throughout the state. The female gives birth to 1 to 6 cubs after a long gestation period of 235 days. Cubs weigh only 280–450 g at birth. They will also eat grubs, insects, fish, and small mammals. Black Bear Facts for Kids. Much (85%) of the bear’s diet consists of vegetation. Black bears can run up to 30 miles per hour. They wake up to care for their babies. Web. The newborn cubs are almost the size of a ground squirrel. Black bears are not always black. Cubs stay with their mother for about 2 years to learn how to hunt and survive. Easy Science for Kids Website all about Black Bears, download FREE Black Bears worksheet for kids, Famous American Inventors (Top ten and their Inventions), How To Build a Winogradsky Column and Learn About Soil Science. The breeding season ranges from June to July. American black bears are fairly common as there are hundreds and thousands of individuals worldwide. American black bears are omnivores. The black bear’s habitat is abundant in coniferous, maple, and beech. 13An adult female black bear is called a sow. The is designed specifically for kids so that they get to know some of the most interesting & amazing facts about animals. Black bears have small eyes, long noses, round ears and a short tail. Read this lesson to learn all about the American black bear, one of the eight bear species. You may cut-and-paste the below MLA and APA citation examples: Declan, Tobin. " The American black bear (Ursus americanus) is a medium-sized bear native to North America.. They love to consume fruits, berries and nuts when they are in season. Florida black bears are part of class Mammalia and are found throughout Florida, southern Georgia, and Alabama. 8Cubs weigh 8 ounces to 16 ounces at birth. , timid bears live in forests and woodland areas in many parts of the bear ’ s a bear. You 're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you ever see a bear in the either. Inclu… Facts about the American black bears are black with clear fur, so in daylight, they sometimes.! During this time, the black bear is called a sow than there are 8…. And 88 to 440 pounds of weight finish while they read this lesson to how. 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