Unity Resolution Scaling Mode

windows UI scaling of, in game only 1600 x 900 and When i switch to full screen it looks terrible. It only takes a minute to sign up. If you use Unity on a HighDPI monitor, you know how ugly it can be. The bug did not exist in 5.2.4 but for the 5.3 branch the patch release 5.3.1p3 should fix your problem. The Resolution Scaling Mode allows you to set the scaling to be equal to or below the native screen resolution: Set the Target DPI of the game screen. 0. Unity of Command II. Is there an ini I can change to fix the resolution so the entry video plays at the correct resolution? I have set the Default Screen Resolution in Unity to 1920x1080 as in the image/link below. Scaling … The problem is my Reference Resolution in the Canvas Scaler is already set to 1920x1080. The black bars/cutting off of your image is caused by the fact that the image is trying to preserve its aspect ratio due to using aspect ratio fitter..
It works fine on 576x1024, 720x1280, 1440x2560 etc because the aspect ratio is the same as the original image … The scale is calculated as min (Target DPI * Factor / Screen DPI, 1). ... Full Screen is full screen at your native resolution, you only set the resolution of the Windowed mode, by default this is 1600x900. Now that we have our canvas, it’s important to make sure that it scales based on our resolution. Full screen scaling in 5.3.x is buggy resulting from a broken implementation of multiple display support; in stand-alone fullscreen mode display is reporting the native resolution rather than the game resolution. Unity is the ultimate game development platform. Custom Resolution Utility (CRU) is an EDID editor with a focus on custom resolutions. Unity downscales the game screen to match this setting if the device’s native screen DPI is higher than this value. However, I found a workaround, which is strange but working. Use Unity to build high-quality 3D and 2D games, deploy them across mobile, desktop, VR/AR, consoles or the Web, and connect with loyal and enthusiastic players and customers.
Canvas Scaling. Game Development Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for professional and independent game developers. Recent releases of Windows 10 have helped a bit with DPI scaling, but it's still not ideal. ... How to make game playable in all mobile screen resolution using Unity Cinemachine with perspective mode? Download: cru-1.4.2.zip - Source: cru-1.4.2-src.zip To do that, set the Render Mode to “Screen Space – Overlay“.. You can notice how the canvas changes if we change our resolution: Now the strange part :) 1. Add custom resolutions, remove unwanted resolutions, edit FreeSync ranges, and more.

To fix this, I have to lower the reference, but this means re-doing all the UI's. CRU shows you how the monitor defines resolutions and other capabilities and gives you the power to change it.
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