Gn resound quattro

The technical proof for clearer, fuller and richer sound with ReSound LiNX Quattro ReSound LiNX Quattro is available as a full family, including the highly attractive mini RIE, the easy-to-use BTE line-up, fully wireless custom models - including the first 2.4 GHz wireless CIC design - and the rechargeable mini RIE; the world’s most advanced rechargeable solution. With our newest addition to the ReSound wireless accessory ecosystem patients can easily and discreetly change programs and adjust volume to their hearing aids. Listeners preferred the sound quality with ReSound LiNX Quattro 71% of the time when streaming directly from the ReSound TV Streamer 2, compared to other premium hearing aids. Preference for ReSound Impulse Noise Reduction. * ReSound LiNX Quattro.

Being rechargeable is the icing on the cake.

The advanced ReSound LiNX Quattro chip platform delivers twice the memory, 100% more speed, 30% more computing power, and a new radio, all while reducing power consumption by 20%.

ReSound LiNX Quattro MIH data sheet ReSound LiNX Quattro RIE 61-DRW / RIE 61-DRWC / RIE 62-DRW / RIE 62-DRWT data sheet. Other premium hearing aids * Jespersen et al, 2018 ReSound LiNX Quattro 88 data sheet. ReSound LiNX Quattro 67 data sheet.

ReSound LiNX Quattro hearing aids are the first to offer direct streaming using Bluetooth® Low Energy technology from both iOS and Android devices* without the need for an intermediary device.

*From Android version 10 with Bluetooth version 5.0.

Introducing the NEW ReSound Remote Control. It features large, easy-to-use buttons that are very beneficial for … GN ReSound has done it again, I thought their 3D line was amazing but the Quattro is even better, it has all the great features of the 3D but adds superior sound quality, both when listening to everyday sounds and streaming music. ReSound LiNX Quattro ITC data sheet.

An innovative field study offers a new perspective. And with increased power, we have virtually eliminated any lag time when direct streaming from both iOS® and Android™* devices into the hearing aids or through a ReSound wireless accessory. Independent study: ReSound LiNX Quattro preferred for direct audio streaming. ReSound LiNX Quattro ITE data sheet. ReSound LiNX Quattro provides patients with an exceptional streaming experience from almost any audio source. ReSound LiNX Quattro CIC data sheet. Welcome to the ReSound (North America subsidiary) YouTube Channel.

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