Div center text align

This is not an encyclopedia article. The key to the above method are the CSS rules of the middle div. Many of you must have tried vertical-align property to vertically align a div. For making text aligned centered in large devices only, use the text-lg-center class. However, this solution will work only when the width of the parent element is more than the containing div element that you want to align.

An element is an inline element (display value of inline-block). Center Align Image Inside Div.

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It can be easily centered by adding the text-align: center; CSS property to the parent element that contains it. Which is valid, because the line-height property inherits from the parent element and applies to all elements. If you want to keep text aligned center or right for large or small devices specifically as per viewports then use the text-align property as explained below with examples.

Let’s see an … To vertically middle align text in a DIV element, we need to use height CSS property of the DIV element and line-height CSS property of the text that needs to be aligned. If we set both these properties to equal value the text will appear vertically middle aligned within the DIV element. The CSS just sizes the div, vertically center aligns the span by setting the div’s line-height equal to its height, and makes the span an inline-block with vertical-align: middle. But most of you would not have succeeded! Here, you can mention a class name for the div element. To center align the single image inside the div element, you have to use the text align property of CSS with the center as its value.

The auto value automatically adjusts the left and right margin and horizontally center align the div element's block box. To test this, copy the code from the example page in your editor and run the code. line-height was just simply used on a div in that example. To center an image using text-align: center; you must place the inside of a block-level element such as a div. Below are the simple examples you can use to center align the single or multiple images inside the div element.

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Then it sets the line-height back to normal for the span, so its contents will flow naturally inside the block. The reason is that this property works on table cells and not on a div element with block display.

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