Arnold Alois Schwarzenegger

Arnold Alois Schwarzenegger (ur. 施瓦辛格(德語: Arnold Alois Schwarzenegger ,1947年7月30日 - ),是一位美国男子健身運動員、演员和政治家,生于奥地利,曾經擔任第38任美国加利福尼亞州州長。 曾出演過較著名的作品包括《王者之劍》(1982年)、《魔鬼終結者》(1984年至2019年)、《魔鬼司令》(1985年)、《 …

He is mostly recognized for his foray into bodybuilding; and, later, for his acting facet. Arnold Alois Schwarzenegger (Thal, Austria; 30 de julio de 1947) es un actor, empresario, político y exfisicoculturista profesional de origen austríaco y nacionalizado estadounidense.Ejerció como trigésimo octavo gobernador del Estado de California en dos mandatos desde 2003 hasta 2011. Arnold Alois Schwarzenegger, nado en Thal, Austria o 30 de xullo de 1947, é un fisicoculturista, actor, e político estadounidense de orixe austríaca.Schwarzenegger foi o 38º gobernador de California dende 2003 a 2011.. Schwarzenegger comezou un adestramento de musculación con 15 anos.

Born on July 30, 1947 in Thal, Austria, Arnold’s zodiac sign is Leo. He is an Austrian-born American politician and actor who became the President of the United States. Get a dose of the latest news, blogs, chat with other fans, and know more about actor-politician, Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Arnold Alois Schwarzenegger (born July 30, 1947, in Austria) is an Austrian-American former professional bodybuilder, actor, film producer, screenwriter, and director.He was the governor of the American state of California from 2003–2011. Arnold Alois Schwarzenegger was born July 30, 1947, in the town of Thal, Styria, Austria, to Aurelia Schwarzenegger (born Jadrny) and Gustav Schwarzenegger, the local police chief. 30 lipca 1947 w Thal) – austriacko-amerykański aktor, filmowiec, polityk, biznesmen, filantrop, aktywista oraz były zawodowy kulturysta, dwukrotnie pełnił funkcję gubernatora Kalifornii w latach 2003–2011.. Ćwiczyć kulturystykę rozpoczął w wieku 15 lat.

His middle name is Alois. His father, who was a police chief, did not approve of him being an athlete and rather supported his brother than him. アーノルド・アロイス・シュワルツェネッガー(Arnold Alois Schwarzenegger, 1947年 7月30日 - )は、アメリカ合衆国の映画俳優、実業家、元政治家、元ボディビルダー。 青年時代にボディビルダーとして成功を収め、その後はハリウッド時代の経歴から、世界中に名を知られるようになった。 Quotations by Arnold Schwarzenegger, Austrian Actor, Born July 30, 1947. Arnold Alois Schwarzenegger was born on July 30, 1947, in Graz, Austria, and grew up in the village of Thal, where his father, Gustav Schwarzenegger, a champion curler who had served in the German Strumabteilung, or SA, during the Nazi regime, was the police chief. Arnold Alois Schwarzenegger, nado en Thal, Austria o 30 de xullo de 1947, é un fisicoculturista, actor, e político estadounidense de orixe austríaca.Schwarzenegger foi o 38º gobernador de California dende 2003 a 2011.. Schwarzenegger comezou un adestramento de musculación con 15 anos. [4] Son nom de baptême est Arnold Alois Schwarzenegger [8].. Arnold Alois Schwarzenegger (30 de xunetu de 1947, Thal (es)) ye un actor, empresariu, políticu y antiguu fisicoculturista profesional d'orixe austriacu y nacionalizado estauxunidense. Arnold Alois Schwarzenegger (* 30.Juli 1947 in Thal, Steiermark) ist ein österreichisch-US-amerikanischer Schauspieler, Publizist, Unternehmer, ehemaliger Bodybuilder sowie ehemaliger US-Politiker.Von 2003 bis 2011 war er der 38. Welcome to! Gañou o título de Mr. Universe con 20 anos e gañou o Mr. Olympia sete veces. In order to join a school soccer team, Schwarzenegger began working out with weights and, thus, started his bodybuilding career. ArnoldAloisSchwarzenegger also has forums, which the fans can easily interact.

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