are yankee candles toxic to dogs

02/01/2021 Off By

Tea tree, cinnamon, citrus, sweet birch, wintergreen, and pine oils are toxic to dogs, according to Dr. Charlotte Finch. What should you do if your dog ate a candle? Do not give over-the-counter medications without first asking your vet for recommendations. These toxins are very unsafe and can even cause cancer if too much is ingested. According to the EPA’s research, “Candles with lead wicks have the potential to generate indoor airborne lead concentrations of health concern. If you have any doubts about the toxicity of the candle, visit your vet immediately. Commercial candle scents are made from artificial fragrance components that 99% of the time are toxic or harmful to your (and your dog’s) health. Most often, the candles with lead wicks are scented candles. Place candles up high where your dog cannot reach them. It is focused on cats, however quite obviously the deadly toxins from candles applies to not only cats, but dogs, birds, ferrets…humans! Some dogs will chew on candles but not swallow them, leaving behind a mess for you but saving their own tummies from feeling sick. Thanks to natural soy wax and a cotton wick, our candles are totally non-toxic and safe. Beeswax can cost as much as six times the price of paraffin, so most candle manufacturers only use a blend paraffin and beeswax to cut costs. Compare our candles to Pet Odor Exterminator candles and Yankee scented candles. Some candles contain chemicals or essential oils that can be harmful to dogs. All of these compounds can be deadly to your cat! This resource covers all sorts of toxins that your pet might encounter, from air fresheners, cleaning products, human and pet medications, foods, plants, and other substances. Soy-based candles are softer and pose less of a risk. Candles get their scent from artificial fragrances. Are candles dangerous to dogs? Even better, you can use flameless candles, which will also eliminate the candle smoke that can irritate a cat or dog's respiratory system, leading to worsening of any existing asthma, bronchitis, tracheal (windpipe) problems, or other conditions of their respiratory system. Is he lethargic or in distress? None of these materials tend to be poisonous to dogs. Scented Candles Are Harmful! Essential oils – Remember, unless home made with pure, therapeutic grade essential oils,  the “essential oils” used in commercially available candles are only. Do you notice panting or labored breathing? Environmental Protection Agency showed that soot emissions from candles containing fragrances are significantly higher than those from non-scented candles. If your dog gets into things around the house on a regular basis, you may want to consider keeping your dog crated when he is unsupervised. Yankee Candle Selections; Vanilla Candle Gift Sets; Peppermint - this is often used as a pick-me-up. Since then I have reconsidered the candles I had in my home. They also increase the atmospheric oxygen of the air, and boost levels of beneficial ozone and negative ions which dramatically inhibit the growth and reproduction of airborne pathogens. Next, try to determine what kind of candle your dog ate and how much of it was ingested. When ingested, they tend to soften and pass through the dog's intestinal tract without issue. The majority of candles are still made from paraffin, a wax made from petroleum. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Results will vary; each animal is unique just as people are. I have been using candles for years too and although my dogs aren't showing any signs of illness (except Sydney has an occasional cough), I am not willing to risk their health when there are so many safer alternatives. If your dog seems fine and you think that only a small amount of candle was eaten, then it's important to watch your dog over the next few days. Essential oils to avoid include various types of mint, various types of citrus, cinnamon, tea tree, pine, ylang-ylang, and more. What It Means If Your Dog Is Throwing Up Clear Liquid, What to Do if Your Dog Is Vomiting Yellow Bile. Many candles give off toxins that can be risky to your pet’s health. The candle industry is not regulated as other consumable industries are, so candle manufacturers are not required to label what is in the candles. by Kimberley Koz. They burn cleaner and last for up to 60 hours! Fragrance oils soften the wax, so the manufacturers use lead to make the wicks firmer. Perhaps the most dangerous parts of candles are the wicks and the metal parts. Look for remnants of the candle in your dog's stool—it should pass within a few days. Helping You, Help Your Dog Live a Longer, Healthier Life – Naturally! Depends on the dog to be honest. A candle with a lead-core wick releases five times the amount of lead considered hazardous for children and exceeds EPA pollution standards for outdoor air, says the CPSC. What types of toxic components are in the scents of commercial candles? If you are concerned, we would suggest that you light up the candles again after pregnancy. Increased conversion of amino acids and proteins. No, the wax used to make candles is not toxic, so a dog will not be in immediate danger. Many candles use paraffin wax which produces highly toxic carcinogens when burned such as Limonene (citrus scent), Alpha-pinene (pine scent), Beta-pinene (pine scent), Ethanol, Acetone. The Tumbler candles are made from a blend of aforementioned paraffin wax and soy wax. Are Yankee candles toxic to dogs? Cats and dogs have an enhanced sense of smell, so using scents around them like in candles or diffusers can be overwhelming for them, depending on what type you are using. A candle … If you think that your animal is ill or may have ingested a poisonous substance, contact your local veterinarian or our 24-hour emergency poison hotline directly at 1-888-426-4435. Increased circulation and supports immune function. Be sure to look for a “lead free” label, or perform the “No-Lead Test” below. If your dog goes one to two days without a bowel movement, contact your veterinarian. Most often, the candles with lead wicks are scented candles. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Reduce this to a teaspoon or two for small dogs. But those aren’t the only dangers candles pose to your pets. If your dog has a decrease in appetite, lethargy, or vomiting, contact your vet right away. Testimonials – The Whole Dog Clients & Customers, Copyright, Disclaimer, Terms of Use, Privacy, The Journey Into Thriving Health For Dogs Starts Here, Aromatherapy For Dogs Educational Program, Animal Scents – Essential Oil Infused Products For Pets, DVDs & Audios -Dog Enrichment, Socialization & Special Training. You can try adding a tablespoon of plain canned pumpkin to your dog's food to help move things along. Don’t throw out your plug-ins and incense yet. Keep an eye on your dog, though, in case they have a secondary reaction. In fact, the toxins released from paraffin candles are the same as those found in diesel fuel fumes. Four of these toxins are known to cause cancer. Fortunately, most have a low enough concentration of these that they will not make dogs sick after eating them. Burning Scented Candles Harmful To Pets and People. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Fragrance oils soften the wax, so the manufacturers use lead to make the wicks firmer. In fact, scented household items are potentially detrimental to your dog’s health. Dr. Jeannie has been using the same essential oils for close to 20 years and they are the ONLY ones she will endorse as she knows their quality is guaranteed from seed to seal and has experienced their efficiency and benefits personally and with her own animals. Others will eat every last piece, even sometimes the wick and metal base. Burning a candle made of paraffin, even if the wick is lead free, is similar to preparing a healthy drink of fresh squeezed juice and adding a shot of gasoline,” says Eric Johnson of Candleworks, an Iowa City, Iowa based company that specializes in nontoxic aromatherapy candles. Essential oils are not used in candles in large quantities, so they should not cause your dog distress, but it is wise to seek assistance if you think the oils have been consumed. If the diarrhea is watery, bloody, or doesn't improve within a day, contact your vet. The best candles to buy that have little, to no effect on us and the dogs, should be beeswax, coconut wax, natural soy or vegetable-based wax. These may have a variety of toxic effects on dogs if enough is ingested. However, if a small amount was ingested, you may never see this pass. In addition, sharp edges can puncture or tear the lining of the GI tract, leading to an emergency situation. Are Yankee candles toxic? Bring any remaining pieces of the candle and the packaging, if available. Yankee candles are made using paraffin wax. Even though the smoke is cleaner, it’s a good idea to minimize your intake of any type of smoke. To summarize, candles are no longer made with lead-core wicks, their wax is non-toxic, and you don’t need to feel bad for enjoying their delicious scents (unless you have asthma or allergies). However, large pieces my cause an intestinal blockage. Wax candles are typically made from paraffin, beeswax, or soy. According to a recent study by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), 40 percent of candles on the market contain lead wires inside their wicks. This may cause more damage to your dog's upper GI tract. Cats and dogs will inhale the same toxins and chemical compounds that are toxic to humans but are actually double the potency. Your Yankee Candles of the world still rely on Paraffin wax, which throws scent well, but produces numerous toxic carcinogens and emits harmful vapors into the air. On top of that, many scented candles also have wicks that contain heavy metals like lead, and even a few hours of burning them can create levels of airborne heavy metals that are much higher than the acceptable limits. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Find out which essential oils she uses HERE, Study by Professor Alastair Lewis of the National Centre for Atmospheric Science, Expert Panel Confirms Fragrance Ingredient Can Cause Cancer. Candle Plant | ASPCA You can use these natural remedies in conjunction with veterinary treatment however, the goal of providing this information is to give you ideas of natural health solutions that may help your pet to thrive. We–as well as our pets–are consuming these ingredients though our lungs, and the toxins enter the bloodstream. The Information presented above is NOT intended to diagnose, treat or perscribe. on October 3, 2016 October 3, 2016 by Dr. Jeannie Thomason Tis the season to bring out the scented candles and wax melts to fill the house with the smell of Fall and the upcoming holidays. You're an idiot. The candles at Yankee Candle is non-toxic and safe for use. 100 percent yes. 2 – I've been using candles for years and my dogs are just fine. The soot can also cause respiratory problems and will aggravate the conditions of those who already have asthma, lung, or heart problems. Benzene derivatives – linked to cancer; Aldehydes – linked to liver disease, cancer, and respiratory distress ), they rapidly kill virtually all pathogenic bacteria, rifles, molds and fungi they come into contact with. In addition to releasing toxic chemicals, burning paraffin wax produces soot with particles that can remain suspended in the air for hours. This may include candles, especially those that are scented. The candles at Yankee Candle is non- toxic and safe for use. Depending on what the candle and its wick are made of, it could be emitting toxins into your home environment, and that’s bad for your dog or cat as well as for you. Store candles not in use behind closed doors, like in a closet or cabinet. The wick should be lead-free, we recommend sticking to 100% natural cotton (unbleached), paper or wood. Peppermint has an invigorating scent and is best used in the living areas of … Long wicks can become tangled up in the intestines, causing a linear foreign body that requires surgical treatment. “Animals are more sensitive in general to poisons, partly due to their size and also to their metabolism,” Dr. Fallek says. It’s why I prefer to burn soy candles, and why you should, too—ASAP. When burned, the paraffin is thought to release carcinogenic soot which can aggravate a number of respiratory issues like asthma, as well as heart issues. The scent of fresh peppermint is regarded as being a stimulus and is good for dogs that are a little sluggish. According to Veterinarians, this can cause shortness of breath, skin rashes, and even liver failure. Considering this, are scented wax melts toxic to dogs? A waft of lavender can be soothing, but candles and dogs are not a great combination. The American Lung Association and EPA also warn against using these commercial candles because of the toxins they produce. The Problem with Most Scented Candles and Scent Plug-ins. You can also check the CPSC’s Web site, which provides a list of candle manufacturers that have signed the “no-lead wick pledge.”. Are Scented Candle Fumes Toxic to Cats? Has he had any vomiting or diarrhea? It cannot be reproduced in any form whatsoever without the expressed written consent of the author. Alternatively, some dogs will experience soft stools or diarrhea after eating a candle. Soy candles produce less soot and toxic chemicals than candles made from paraffin. I have heard that those scented sticks in bottles of scent are seriously toxic to cats, and it's likely it's very similar stuff in the candles. When ingested, they tend to soften and pass through the dog's intestinal tract without issue. How Paraffin Wax Candles Harm Pets The problem with most candles is that they’re made from paraffin wax. Dogs and puppies may chew items out of boredom or hunger. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Conventional candles typically contain a whole host of toxins. You’ll also want to look out for candles made of paraffin— a petroleum by product—which release carcinogenic soot when burned. Let's face it, we can all live without scented candles, and if there's even a slight chance it will be harmful to you or your cat's health, it's no great loss not to use them. If you have a dog that likes to nibble on household items, or if you're not sure, then it's important to keep all candles out of reach. This article was previously published in the Purrington Post. We may worry about the candles being safe for cats, but this is also a good reminder to be cautious with our own health as well when burning candles. A candle with a lead-core wick releases five times the amount of lead considered hazardous for children and exceeds EPA … You should not induce vomiting unless your vet advises you to do so. None of these materials tend to be poisonous to dogs. Why Not Diffuse Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils Instead? These toxins are very unsafe and can even cause cancer if too much is ingested. Please … Jenna Stregowski, RVT, has more than 20 years of experience working in veterinary medicine and has been writing about pet care for the last decade. The Yankee Candle Company is not required to list the ingredients in Yankee candles, but there is no reason to think that they may be toxic to humans, dogs, cats, birds or other animals. This information is educational and offers alternative options and natural remedies to try out. My vets advise when a dog presents itself as itchy is usually don't use air fresheners, scented candles, think logically about cleaning and washing most itchy dogs it's usually environment that causes it...which could be anything. The Dangers Of Scented Candles Wax candles are typically made from paraffin, beeswax, or soy. If a crate is not an option, consider a small room with dangerous items completely removed. Inhalation of essential oils causes the natural chemical constituents to enter the bloodstream via the lungs, (The lungs govern the immune system) pass the blood/brain barrier and they are also metabolized in the liver. Public opinion on scented candles are mixed: some love scented candles for their relaxing properties and rich scents, while others worry about the chemicals in the candles and whether or not they release toxic chemicals when burned. Diffusion of essential oils into the air of an enclosed space (such as a house, kennel, stable or aviary) is popularly called aromatherapy. Soy wax is a better alternative to most of what is currently sold. Moreover, when oils are diffused in a home,purify the air  by removing toxins, metallic particles and other harmful microscopic debris. If your dog swallowed a long wick or a large metal base, then a vet visit is the best option. First, learn about the danger and then … Your Yankee Candles of the world still rely on Paraffin wax, which throws scent well, but may produce numerous toxic carcinogens and emit harmful vapors into the air. Consumption of candle wax my have a mildly constipating effect in some dogs. And lastly, they completely destroy odors from mold, cigarettes, and more. There's a lot you need to know to make things go smoothly with your new friend. Also, along with benzene, compounds like Carbon Tetrachloride and lead are often found in the scents used in candles or the composition of candle wicks. If you notice these or any other signs of illness, it's best to contact your veterinarian for advice. Fragrance or artificial scents and even most colors may be irritants and/or trigger allergic reactions. If you are concerned, we would suggest that you light up the candles again after pregnancy. Further, as the odorous molecules drift to the various surfaces of each room (ie., ceilings, floors, walls, tiling etc. Just because candles are not toxic doesn’t mean that they are harmless to dogs. Metal parts in the wick and the candle base may also become lodged in the GI tract. The side benefits of diffusing therapeutic grade essential oils (Other than filling your home with wonderful fragrance) are: Read more about diffusing essential oils (aromatherapy) for your pets HERE. Increased production of ATP (energy fuel used by cells). Many dogs like to get into items around the house, often nibbling on things that are not meant to be eaten. If you find evidence that your dog has eaten a candle, first check to see how he is acting. They can be an allergen...just like air fresheners can. Copyright 2016 This article is the sole property of Dr. Jeanette (Jeannie) Thomason and The Whole (Wholistic) Dog. However, large pieces my cause an intestinal blockage. Exposure to high amounts of lead has been linked to hormone disruption, behavioral problems, learning disabilities, and numerous health problems. The Tumbler candles are made from a blend of aforementioned paraffin wax and soy wax. However, if your dog eats a large amount, he may develop vomiting, diarrhea, or other signs of illness. That is just a nice way of saying that there are many toxic substances in candles imported from China and Hong Kong. In case of a poisoning emergency, there is a 24-hour hotline at (888) 426-4435, although a … The Yankee Candle Company sells candles in … This is because the highly aromatic, sweet-smelling molecules of the essential oils are literally breathed into the body, at which point they trigger numerous immune boosting, relaxation or stimulation responses depending upon the specific oils being inhaled. Raises the body’s electrical or vibrational frequencies. Or does n't improve within a day, contact your vet advises you to do if your dog not. Of what is currently sold from candles containing fragrances are significantly higher than those from non-scented candles wick our... What to do so your vet paraffin— a petroleum by product—which release carcinogenic soot burned. Respiratory problems and will aggravate the conditions of those who already have asthma,,... Up in the GI tract, leading to an emergency situation higher than from... 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